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Loop Out Expression

Dynamic, Looping Animations, Keyframe Cycles, Simple Expression
Loop Out Expression
This expression repeats a set of keyframes back and forth, creating seamless animations.
If you're animating a ball moving from left to right by keyframing its position, you can use the loopOut("pingpong") expression. This will make the ball move continuously back and forth between the keyframes, creating a smooth, endless left-to-right movement without duplicating keyframes.
How to Use This Expression?
Select the property: For example, Position, Scale, Opacity, etc.
Add keyframes: Create an animation for the property you want to loop.
Apply the Expression: Alt + Click (Windows) or Option + Click (Mac) the stopwatch icon of the property. Type loopOut("pingpong") in the expression field. Press Enter or click outside the text field to apply.
pingpong: The animation reverses its direction at the end keyframe and repeats backward.
loopOut(): Repeats the keyframe animation starting from the last keyframe.
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